Delivering the best trained electricians in the electrical construction industry.

Phone: (315) 782-1675

Journeyman Wireman


Questions should be directed to Training Director, Alan Smith.

Email: click here

Phone: (315) 782-1675

Wage Scale

April 2025 – March 2026

$19.58 = Period 1 - your first 999 hours of OJT.

$21.75= Period 2 - when you complete 1000 hours of OJT.

$23.93= Period 3 - when you complete 2000 hours of OJT & complete 180 hours of classroom training.

$26.10 = Period 4 - when you complete 3500 hours of OJT & complete 360 hours of classroom training.

$30.45 = Period 5 - when you complete 5000 hours of OJT & complete 540 hours of classroom training.

$34.80 = Period 6 - when you complete 6500 hours of OJT & complete 720 hours of classroom training.

$43.50 = JW (journeyman/worker) - when you complete 8200 hours of OJT & complete 900 hours of classroom training.